Have you ever wanted a reproduction of an original print or painting? We can make a photographic print that looks exactly like it! Through color matching techniques, we can make you an archival reproduction that can be sold as digital editions, given as gifts, put on display, or kept as copies in place of the original print or painting.
This method is great for any painter, printmaker, or traditional photographer who wants to recreate an original. It is also helpful for people who have darkroom prints that they would like to digitize without the negative present or to reproduce a print but cannot quite seem to do it the same way again.
Here are some of the steps we take to color match original paintings, prints, and documents:
· Scan or photograph the original at a high quality with the best, even light you can get. If the image is too big, we might have to make more than one scan or photograph that we later stitch together in Photoshop.
· Upload the image into Photoshop and begin correcting the file to make it look closer to the original. This includes cropping out parts of the file that are not the image and sizing the image correctly.
· Make lots and lots of TEST STRIPS! Test strips allow us to compare the printed reproduction to the original. We carefully compare the test strip to the original to see what parts of the image we need to adjust.
o We make sure to keep all of the test strips to track the progression.
· Once the test strips match the original painting or print, we make the full size printed reproduction!

If you are interested in this service, please call, email, or stop by the shop and we can make you a beautiful digital reproduction!